public static final class


extends Settings.NameValueTable
   ↳ android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
     ↳ cyanogenmod.providers.CMSettings.System

Class Overview

System settings, containing miscellaneous CM system preferences. This table holds simple name/value pairs. There are convenience functions for accessing individual settings entries.


String APP_SWITCH_WAKE_SCREEN Whether to wake the screen with the app switch key, the value is boolean.
String ASSIST_WAKE_SCREEN Whether to wake the screen with the assist key, the value is boolean.
String BACK_WAKE_SCREEN Whether to wake the screen with the back key, the value is boolean.
String BATTERY_LIGHT_ENABLED Whether the battery light should be enabled (if hardware supports it) The value is boolean (1 or 0).
String BATTERY_LIGHT_FULL_COLOR What color to use for the battery LED while charging - full
String BATTERY_LIGHT_LOW_COLOR What color to use for the battery LED while charging - low
String BATTERY_LIGHT_MEDIUM_COLOR What color to use for the battery LED while charging - medium
String BATTERY_LIGHT_PULSE Whether the battery LED should repeatedly flash when the battery is low on charge.
String BLUETOOTH_ACCEPT_ALL_FILES If all file types can be accepted over Bluetooth OBEX.
String CALL_RECORDING_FORMAT Call recording format value 0: AMR_WB 1: MPEG_4 Default: 0
String CAMERA_LAUNCH Whether to launch secure camera app when key is longpressed 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String CAMERA_SLEEP_ON_RELEASE Whether or not to send device back to sleep if Camera button is released ("Peek") 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String CAMERA_WAKE_SCREEN Whether to wake the screen with the camera key half-press.
String DIALER_OPENCNAM_ACCOUNT_SID The OpenCNAM paid account ID to be utilized by the Dialer
String DIALER_OPENCNAM_AUTH_TOKEN The OpenCNAM authentication token to be utilized by the Dialer
String DISPLAY_AUTO_CONTRAST Use auto contrast optimization feature of display 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String DISPLAY_AUTO_OUTDOOR_MODE Automatic outdoor mode 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String DISPLAY_CABC Use display power saving features such as CABC or CABL 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String DISPLAY_COLOR_ADJUSTMENT Manual display color adjustments (RGB values as floats, separated by spaces)
String DISPLAY_COLOR_ENHANCE Use color enhancement feature of display 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String DISPLAY_LOW_POWER This constant was deprecated in API level 6. No replacement.
String DISPLAY_PICTURE_ADJUSTMENT The current custom picture adjustment values as a delimited string
String DISPLAY_TEMPERATURE_DAY Color temperature of the display during the day
String DISPLAY_TEMPERATURE_MODE Display color temperature adjustment mode, one of DAY (default), NIGHT, or AUTO.
String DISPLAY_TEMPERATURE_NIGHT Color temperature of the display at night
String DOUBLE_TAP_SLEEP_GESTURE Enable statusbar double tap gesture on to put device to sleep 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String ENABLE_FORWARD_LOOKUP Enable looking up of phone numbers of nearby places 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String ENABLE_PEOPLE_LOOKUP Enable looking up of phone numbers of people 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String ENABLE_REVERSE_LOOKUP Enable looking up of information of phone numbers not in the contacts 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String FORWARD_LOOKUP_PROVIDER The forward lookup provider to be utilized by the Dialer
String HEADSET_CONNECT_PLAYER Whether or not to launch default music player when headset is connected
String HIGH_TOUCH_SENSITIVITY_ENABLE Whether the HighTouchSensitivity is activated or not.
String HOME_WAKE_SCREEN Whether to wake the screen with the home key, the value is boolean.
String INCREASING_RING Whether the phone ringtone should be played in an increasing manner 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String INCREASING_RING_RAMP_UP_TIME Ramp up time (seconds) for increasing ring
String INCREASING_RING_START_VOLUME Start volume fraction for increasing ring volume
String KEY_APP_SWITCH_ACTION Action to perform when the app switch key is pressed.
String KEY_APP_SWITCH_LONG_PRESS_ACTION Action to perform when the app switch key is long-pressed.
String KEY_ASSIST_ACTION Action to perform when the assistant (search) key is pressed.
String KEY_ASSIST_LONG_PRESS_ACTION Action to perform when the assistant (search) key is long-pressed.
String KEY_HOME_DOUBLE_TAP_ACTION Action to perform when the home key is double-tapped.
String KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION Action to perform when the home key is long-pressed.
String KEY_MENU_ACTION Action to perform when the menu key is pressed.
String KEY_MENU_LONG_PRESS_ACTION Action to perform when the menu key is long-pressed.
String LOCKSCREEN_PIN_SCRAMBLE_LAYOUT Whether to scramble a pin unlock layout 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String LOCKSCREEN_ROTATION Whether keyguard will rotate to landscape mode 0 = false, 1 = true
String MENU_WAKE_SCREEN Whether to wake the screen with the menu key, the value is boolean.
String NAVBAR_LEFT_IN_LANDSCAPE Whether navigation bar is placed on the left side in landscape mode 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String NAV_BUTTONS Navigation controls to Use
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL Contains the notifications light maximum brightness to use.
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_MULTIPLE_LEDS_ENABLE Whether to use the all the LEDs for the notifications or just one.
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_CALL_COLOR What color to use for the missed call notification LED
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_CALL_LED_OFF How long to wait between flashes for the missed call notification LED
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_CALL_LED_ON How long to flash the missed call notification LED
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_CUSTOM_ENABLE Whether to use the custom LED values for the notification pulse LED.
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_CUSTOM_VALUES Which custom LED values to use for the notification pulse LED.
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_DEFAULT_COLOR What color to use for the notification LED by default
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_DEFAULT_LED_OFF How long to wait between flashes for the notification LED by default
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_DEFAULT_LED_ON How long to flash the notification LED by default
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_VMAIL_COLOR What color to use for the voicemail notification LED
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_VMAIL_LED_OFF How long to wait between flashes for the voicemail notification LED
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_PULSE_VMAIL_LED_ON How long to flash the voicemail notification LED
String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_SCREEN_ON Whether to allow notifications with the screen on or DayDreams.
String NOTIFICATION_PLAY_QUEUE Whether to attach a queue to media notifications.
String PEOPLE_LOOKUP_PROVIDER The people lookup provider to be utilized by the Dialer
String PROXIMITY_ON_WAKE Check the proximity sensor during wakeup 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String QS_SHOW_BRIGHTNESS_SLIDER Whether to show the brightness slider in quick settings panel.
String RECENTS_SHOW_SEARCH_BAR Show search bar in recents 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String REVERSE_LOOKUP_PROVIDER The reverse lookup provider to be utilized by the Dialer
String SHOW_ALARM_ICON Whether to show the alarm clock icon in the status bar.
String STATUS_BAR_AM_PM Display style of AM/PM next to clock in status bar 0: Normal display (Eclair stock) 1: Small display (Froyo stock) 2: No display (Gingerbread/ICS stock) default: 2
String STATUS_BAR_BATTERY_STYLE Display style of the status bar battery information 0: Display the battery an icon in portrait mode 2: Display the battery as a circle 4: Hide the battery status information 5: Display the battery an icon in landscape mode 6: Display the battery as plain text default: 0
String STATUS_BAR_BRIGHTNESS_CONTROL Whether to control brightness from status bar 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String STATUS_BAR_CLOCK Whether to hide the clock, show it in the right or left position or show it in the center 0: don't show the clock 1: show the clock in the right position (LTR) 2: show the clock in the center 3: show the clock in the left position (LTR) default: 1
String STATUS_BAR_IME_SWITCHER Whether to show the IME switcher in the status bar 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String STATUS_BAR_NOTIF_COUNT Show the pending notification counts as overlays on the status bar
String STATUS_BAR_QUICK_QS_PULLDOWN Whether to allow one finger quick settings expansion on the side of the statusbar.
String STATUS_BAR_SHOW_BATTERY_PERCENT Status bar battery % 0: Hide the battery percentage 1: Display the battery percentage inside the icon 2: Display the battery percentage next to the icon
String STATUS_BAR_SHOW_WEATHER Boolean value on whether to show weather in the statusbar 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String SWAP_VOLUME_KEYS_ON_ROTATION Swap volume buttons when the screen is rotated 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled (screen is rotated by 90 or 180 degrees: phone, hybrid) 2 - Enabled (screen is rotated by 180 or 270 degrees: tablet)
String SYSTEM_PROFILES_ENABLED Whether to enable system profiles feature 0 = off, 1 = on
String T9_SEARCH_INPUT_LOCALE Locale for secondary overlay on dialer for t9 search input
String TOUCHSCREEN_GESTURE_HAPTIC_FEEDBACK Whether or not to vibrate when a touchscreen gesture is detected
String USE_EDGE_SERVICE_FOR_GESTURES Use EdgeGesture Service for system gestures in PhoneWindowManager 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String VOLBTN_MUSIC_CONTROLS Whether or not volume button music controls should be enabled to seek media tracks 0 = 0ff, 1 = on
String VOLUME_ADJUST_SOUNDS_ENABLED Volume Adjust Sounds Enable, This is the noise made when using volume hard buttons Defaults to 1 - sounds enabled
String VOLUME_KEYS_CONTROL_RING_STREAM Volume key controls ringtone or media sound stream
String VOLUME_WAKE_SCREEN Whether to wake the screen with the volume keys, the value is boolean.
String ZEN_ALLOW_LIGHTS Whether the notification light will be allowed when in zen mode during downtime
String ZEN_PRIORITY_ALLOW_LIGHTS Whether the notification light will be allowed when in zen priority mode during downtime
Inherited Constants
From class android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI
Public Constructors
Public Methods
static float getFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name, float def)
Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as a floating point number.
static float getFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name)
Convenience function for retrieving a single system settings value as a float.
static int getInt(ContentResolver cr, String name, int def)
Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as an integer.
static int getInt(ContentResolver cr, String name)
Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as an integer.
static long getLong(ContentResolver cr, String name, long def)
Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as a long.
static long getLong(ContentResolver cr, String name)
Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as a long.
static String getString(ContentResolver resolver, String name)
Look up a name in the database.
static Uri getUriFor(String name)
Construct the content URI for a particular name/value pair, useful for monitoring changes with a ContentObserver.
static boolean putFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name, float value)
Convenience function for updating a single settings value as a floating point number.
static boolean putInt(ContentResolver cr, String name, int value)
Convenience function for updating a single settings value as an integer.
static boolean putLong(ContentResolver cr, String name, long value)
Convenience function for updating a single settings value as a long integer.
static boolean putString(ContentResolver resolver, String name, String value)
Store a name/value pair into the database.
Inherited Methods
From class android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String APP_SWITCH_WAKE_SCREEN

Added in API level 4

Whether to wake the screen with the app switch key, the value is boolean. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "app_switch_wake_screen"

public static final String ASSIST_WAKE_SCREEN

Added in API level 4

Whether to wake the screen with the assist key, the value is boolean. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "assist_wake_screen"

public static final String BACK_WAKE_SCREEN

Added in API level 4

Whether to wake the screen with the back key, the value is boolean. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "back_wake_screen"

public static final String BATTERY_LIGHT_ENABLED

Added in API level 4

Whether the battery light should be enabled (if hardware supports it) The value is boolean (1 or 0).

Constant Value: "battery_light_enabled"

public static final String BATTERY_LIGHT_FULL_COLOR

Added in API level 4

What color to use for the battery LED while charging - full

Constant Value: "battery_light_full_color"

public static final String BATTERY_LIGHT_LOW_COLOR

Added in API level 4

What color to use for the battery LED while charging - low

Constant Value: "battery_light_low_color"

public static final String BATTERY_LIGHT_MEDIUM_COLOR

Added in API level 4

What color to use for the battery LED while charging - medium

Constant Value: "battery_light_medium_color"

public static final String BATTERY_LIGHT_PULSE

Added in API level 4

Whether the battery LED should repeatedly flash when the battery is low on charge. The value is boolean (1 or 0).

Constant Value: "battery_light_pulse"

public static final String BLUETOOTH_ACCEPT_ALL_FILES

Added in API level 4

If all file types can be accepted over Bluetooth OBEX. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "bluetooth_accept_all_files"

public static final String CALL_RECORDING_FORMAT

Added in API level 4

Call recording format value 0: AMR_WB 1: MPEG_4 Default: 0

Constant Value: "call_recording_format"

public static final String CAMERA_LAUNCH

Added in API level 4

Whether to launch secure camera app when key is longpressed 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "camera_launch"

public static final String CAMERA_SLEEP_ON_RELEASE

Added in API level 4

Whether or not to send device back to sleep if Camera button is released ("Peek") 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "camera_sleep_on_release"

public static final String CAMERA_WAKE_SCREEN

Added in API level 4

Whether to wake the screen with the camera key half-press. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "camera_wake_screen"

public static final String DIALER_OPENCNAM_ACCOUNT_SID

Added in API level 4

The OpenCNAM paid account ID to be utilized by the Dialer

Constant Value: "dialer_opencnam_account_sid"

public static final String DIALER_OPENCNAM_AUTH_TOKEN

Added in API level 4

The OpenCNAM authentication token to be utilized by the Dialer

Constant Value: "dialer_opencnam_auth_token"

public static final String DISPLAY_AUTO_CONTRAST

Added in API level 6

Use auto contrast optimization feature of display 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "display_auto_contrast"

public static final String DISPLAY_AUTO_OUTDOOR_MODE

Added in API level 4

Automatic outdoor mode 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "display_auto_outdoor_mode"

public static final String DISPLAY_CABC

Added in API level 6

Use display power saving features such as CABC or CABL 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "display_low_power"

public static final String DISPLAY_COLOR_ADJUSTMENT

Added in API level 4

Manual display color adjustments (RGB values as floats, separated by spaces)

Constant Value: "display_color_adjustment"

public static final String DISPLAY_COLOR_ENHANCE

Added in API level 4

Use color enhancement feature of display 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "display_color_enhance"

public static final String DISPLAY_LOW_POWER

Added in API level 4

This constant was deprecated in API level 6.
No replacement.

Constant Value: "display_low_power"

public static final String DISPLAY_PICTURE_ADJUSTMENT

Added in API level 6

The current custom picture adjustment values as a delimited string

Constant Value: "display_picture_adjustment"

public static final String DISPLAY_TEMPERATURE_DAY

Added in API level 4

Color temperature of the display during the day

Constant Value: "display_temperature_day"

public static final String DISPLAY_TEMPERATURE_MODE

Added in API level 4

Display color temperature adjustment mode, one of DAY (default), NIGHT, or AUTO.

Constant Value: "display_temperature_mode"

public static final String DISPLAY_TEMPERATURE_NIGHT

Added in API level 4

Color temperature of the display at night

Constant Value: "display_temperature_night"

public static final String DOUBLE_TAP_SLEEP_GESTURE

Added in API level 4

Enable statusbar double tap gesture on to put device to sleep 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "double_tap_sleep_gesture"

public static final String ENABLE_FORWARD_LOOKUP

Added in API level 4

Enable looking up of phone numbers of nearby places 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "enable_forward_lookup"

public static final String ENABLE_PEOPLE_LOOKUP

Added in API level 4

Enable looking up of phone numbers of people 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "enable_people_lookup"

public static final String ENABLE_REVERSE_LOOKUP

Added in API level 4

Enable looking up of information of phone numbers not in the contacts 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "enable_reverse_lookup"

public static final String FORWARD_LOOKUP_PROVIDER

Added in API level 4

The forward lookup provider to be utilized by the Dialer

Constant Value: "forward_lookup_provider"

public static final String HEADSET_CONNECT_PLAYER

Added in API level 5

Whether or not to launch default music player when headset is connected

Constant Value: "headset_connect_player"

public static final String HIGH_TOUCH_SENSITIVITY_ENABLE

Added in API level 4

Whether the HighTouchSensitivity is activated or not. 0 = off, 1 = on

Constant Value: "high_touch_sensitivity_enable"

public static final String HOME_WAKE_SCREEN

Added in API level 4

Whether to wake the screen with the home key, the value is boolean. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "home_wake_screen"

public static final String INCREASING_RING

Added in API level 4

Whether the phone ringtone should be played in an increasing manner 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "increasing_ring"

public static final String INCREASING_RING_RAMP_UP_TIME

Added in API level 4

Ramp up time (seconds) for increasing ring

Constant Value: "increasing_ring_ramp_up_time"

public static final String INCREASING_RING_START_VOLUME

Added in API level 4

Start volume fraction for increasing ring volume

Constant Value: "increasing_ring_start_vol"

public static final String KEY_APP_SWITCH_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the app switch key is pressed. (Default is 2) (See KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION for valid values)

Constant Value: "key_app_switch_action"

public static final String KEY_APP_SWITCH_LONG_PRESS_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the app switch key is long-pressed. (Default is 0) (See KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION for valid values)

Constant Value: "key_app_switch_long_press_action"

public static final String KEY_ASSIST_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the assistant (search) key is pressed. (Default is 3) (See KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION for valid values)

Constant Value: "key_assist_action"

public static final String KEY_ASSIST_LONG_PRESS_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the assistant (search) key is long-pressed. (Default is 4) (See KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION for valid values)

Constant Value: "key_assist_long_press_action"

public static final String KEY_HOME_DOUBLE_TAP_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the home key is double-tapped. (Default can be configured via config_doubleTapOnHomeBehavior) (See KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION for valid values)

Constant Value: "key_home_double_tap_action"

public static final String KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the home key is long-pressed. (Default can be configured via config_longPressOnHomeBehavior) 0 - Nothing 1 - Menu 2 - App-switch 3 - Search 4 - Voice search 5 - In-app search 6 - Launch Camera 7 - Action Sleep 8 - Last app

Constant Value: "key_home_long_press_action"

public static final String KEY_MENU_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the menu key is pressed. (Default is 1) (See KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION for valid values)

Constant Value: "key_menu_action"

public static final String KEY_MENU_LONG_PRESS_ACTION

Added in API level 4

Action to perform when the menu key is long-pressed. (Default is 0 on devices with a search key, 3 on devices without) (See KEY_HOME_LONG_PRESS_ACTION for valid values)

Constant Value: "key_menu_long_press_action"

public static final String LOCKSCREEN_PIN_SCRAMBLE_LAYOUT

Added in API level 4

Whether to scramble a pin unlock layout 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "lockscreen_scramble_pin_layout"

public static final String LOCKSCREEN_ROTATION

Added in API level 6

Whether keyguard will rotate to landscape mode 0 = false, 1 = true

Constant Value: "lockscreen_rotation"

public static final String MENU_WAKE_SCREEN

Added in API level 4

Whether to wake the screen with the menu key, the value is boolean. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "menu_wake_screen"

public static final String NAVBAR_LEFT_IN_LANDSCAPE

Added in API level 4

Whether navigation bar is placed on the left side in landscape mode 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "navigation_bar_left"

public static final String NAVIGATION_BAR_MENU_ARROW_KEYS

Added in API level 4

boolean value. toggles using arrow key locations on nav bar as left and right dpad keys

Constant Value: "navigation_bar_menu_arrow_keys"

public static final String NAV_BUTTONS

Added in API level 4

Navigation controls to Use

Constant Value: "nav_buttons"


Added in API level 4

Contains the notifications light maximum brightness to use. Values range from 1 to 255

Constant Value: "notification_light_brightness_level"


Added in API level 4

Whether to use the all the LEDs for the notifications or just one. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "notification_light_multiple_leds_enable"


Added in API level 4

What color to use for the missed call notification LED

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_call_color"


Added in API level 4

How long to wait between flashes for the missed call notification LED

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_call_led_off"


Added in API level 4

How long to flash the missed call notification LED

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_call_led_on"


Added in API level 4

Whether to use the custom LED values for the notification pulse LED. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_custom_enable"


Added in API level 4

Which custom LED values to use for the notification pulse LED.

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_custom_values"


Added in API level 4

What color to use for the notification LED by default

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_default_color"


Added in API level 4

How long to wait between flashes for the notification LED by default

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_default_led_off"


Added in API level 4

How long to flash the notification LED by default

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_default_led_on"


Added in API level 4

What color to use for the voicemail notification LED

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_vmail_color"


Added in API level 4

How long to wait between flashes for the voicemail notification LED

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_vmail_led_off"


Added in API level 4

How long to flash the voicemail notification LED

Constant Value: "notification_light_pulse_vmail_led_on"

public static final String NOTIFICATION_LIGHT_SCREEN_ON

Added in API level 4

Whether to allow notifications with the screen on or DayDreams. The value is boolean (1 or 0). Default will always be false.

Constant Value: "notification_light_screen_on_enable"

public static final String NOTIFICATION_PLAY_QUEUE

Added in API level 4

Whether to attach a queue to media notifications. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "notification_play_queue"

public static final String PEOPLE_LOOKUP_PROVIDER

Added in API level 4

The people lookup provider to be utilized by the Dialer

Constant Value: "people_lookup_provider"

public static final String PROXIMITY_ON_WAKE

Added in API level 4

Check the proximity sensor during wakeup 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "proximity_on_wake"

public static final String QS_SHOW_BRIGHTNESS_SLIDER

Added in API level 4

Whether to show the brightness slider in quick settings panel. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "qs_show_brightness_slider"

public static final String RECENTS_SHOW_SEARCH_BAR

Added in API level 4

Show search bar in recents 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "recents_show_search_bar"

public static final String REVERSE_LOOKUP_PROVIDER

Added in API level 4

The reverse lookup provider to be utilized by the Dialer

Constant Value: "reverse_lookup_provider"

public static final String SHOW_ALARM_ICON

Added in API level 4

Whether to show the alarm clock icon in the status bar. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "show_alarm_icon"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_AM_PM

Added in API level 4

Display style of AM/PM next to clock in status bar 0: Normal display (Eclair stock) 1: Small display (Froyo stock) 2: No display (Gingerbread/ICS stock) default: 2

Constant Value: "status_bar_am_pm"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_BATTERY_STYLE

Added in API level 4

Display style of the status bar battery information 0: Display the battery an icon in portrait mode 2: Display the battery as a circle 4: Hide the battery status information 5: Display the battery an icon in landscape mode 6: Display the battery as plain text default: 0

Constant Value: "status_bar_battery_style"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_BRIGHTNESS_CONTROL

Added in API level 4

Whether to control brightness from status bar 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "status_bar_brightness_control"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_CLOCK

Added in API level 4

Whether to hide the clock, show it in the right or left position or show it in the center 0: don't show the clock 1: show the clock in the right position (LTR) 2: show the clock in the center 3: show the clock in the left position (LTR) default: 1

Constant Value: "status_bar_clock"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_IME_SWITCHER

Added in API level 4

Whether to show the IME switcher in the status bar 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "status_bar_ime_switcher"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_NOTIF_COUNT

Added in API level 4

Show the pending notification counts as overlays on the status bar

Constant Value: "status_bar_notif_count"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_QUICK_QS_PULLDOWN

Added in API level 4

Whether to allow one finger quick settings expansion on the side of the statusbar. 0 = 0ff, 1 = right, 2 = left

Constant Value: "qs_quick_pulldown"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_SHOW_BATTERY_PERCENT

Added in API level 4

Status bar battery % 0: Hide the battery percentage 1: Display the battery percentage inside the icon 2: Display the battery percentage next to the icon

Constant Value: "status_bar_show_battery_percent"

public static final String STATUS_BAR_SHOW_WEATHER

Added in API level 4

Boolean value on whether to show weather in the statusbar 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "status_bar_show_weather"

public static final String SWAP_VOLUME_KEYS_ON_ROTATION

Added in API level 4

Swap volume buttons when the screen is rotated 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled (screen is rotated by 90 or 180 degrees: phone, hybrid) 2 - Enabled (screen is rotated by 180 or 270 degrees: tablet)

Constant Value: "swap_volume_keys_on_rotation"

public static final String SYSTEM_PROFILES_ENABLED

Added in API level 4

Whether to enable system profiles feature 0 = off, 1 = on

Constant Value: "system_profiles_enabled"

public static final String SYS_PROP_CM_SETTING_VERSION

Added in API level 2

Constant Value: "sys.cm_settings_system_version"

public static final String T9_SEARCH_INPUT_LOCALE

Added in API level 4

Locale for secondary overlay on dialer for t9 search input

Constant Value: "t9_search_input_locale"


Added in API level 5

Whether or not to vibrate when a touchscreen gesture is detected

Constant Value: "touchscreen_gesture_haptic_feedback"

public static final String USE_EDGE_SERVICE_FOR_GESTURES

Added in API level 4

Use EdgeGesture Service for system gestures in PhoneWindowManager 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "edge_service_for_gestures"

public static final String VOLBTN_MUSIC_CONTROLS

Added in API level 4

Whether or not volume button music controls should be enabled to seek media tracks 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "volbtn_music_controls"

public static final String VOLUME_ADJUST_SOUNDS_ENABLED

Added in API level 4

Volume Adjust Sounds Enable, This is the noise made when using volume hard buttons Defaults to 1 - sounds enabled

Constant Value: "volume_adjust_sounds_enabled"

public static final String VOLUME_KEYS_CONTROL_RING_STREAM

Added in API level 4

Volume key controls ringtone or media sound stream

Constant Value: "volume_keys_control_ring_stream"

public static final String VOLUME_WAKE_SCREEN

Added in API level 4

Whether to wake the screen with the volume keys, the value is boolean. 0 = 0ff, 1 = on

Constant Value: "volume_wake_screen"

public static final String ZEN_ALLOW_LIGHTS

Added in API level 5

Whether the notification light will be allowed when in zen mode during downtime

Constant Value: "allow_lights"

public static final String ZEN_PRIORITY_ALLOW_LIGHTS

Added in API level 5

Whether the notification light will be allowed when in zen priority mode during downtime

Constant Value: "zen_priority_allow_lights"


public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

Added in API level 2

Public Constructors

public CMSettings.System ()

Added in API level 2

Public Methods

public static float getFloat (ContentResolver cr, String name, float def)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as a floating point number. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to an float for you. The default value will be returned if the setting is not defined or not a valid float.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
def Value to return if the setting is not defined.
  • The setting's current value, or 'def' if it is not defined or not a valid float.

public static float getFloat (ContentResolver cr, String name)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for retrieving a single system settings value as a float. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to a float for you.

This version does not take a default value. If the setting has not been set, or the string value is not a number, it throws CMSettings.CMSettingNotFoundException.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
  • The setting's current value.
CMSettings.CMSettingNotFoundException Thrown if a setting by the given name can't be found or the setting value is not a float.

public static int getInt (ContentResolver cr, String name, int def)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as an integer. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to an integer for you. The default value will be returned if the setting is not defined or not an integer.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
def Value to return if the setting is not defined.
  • The setting's current value, or 'def' if it is not defined or not a valid integer.

public static int getInt (ContentResolver cr, String name)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as an integer. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to an integer for you.

This version does not take a default value. If the setting has not been set, or the string value is not a number, it throws CMSettings.CMSettingNotFoundException.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
  • The setting's current value.
CMSettings.CMSettingNotFoundException Thrown if a setting by the given name can't be found or the setting value is not an integer.

public static long getLong (ContentResolver cr, String name, long def)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as a long. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to a long for you. The default value will be returned if the setting is not defined or not a long.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
def Value to return if the setting is not defined.
  • The setting's current value, or 'def' if it is not defined or not a valid long.

public static long getLong (ContentResolver cr, String name)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for retrieving a single settings value as a long. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to a long for you.

This version does not take a default value. If the setting has not been set, or the string value is not a number, it throws CMSettings.CMSettingNotFoundException.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
  • The setting's current value.
CMSettings.CMSettingNotFoundException Thrown if a setting by the given name can't be found or the setting value is not an integer.

public static String getString (ContentResolver resolver, String name)

Added in API level 2

Look up a name in the database.

resolver to access the database with
name to look up in the table
  • the corresponding value, or null if not present

public static Uri getUriFor (String name)

Added in API level 3

Construct the content URI for a particular name/value pair, useful for monitoring changes with a ContentObserver.

name to look up in the table
  • the corresponding content URI

public static boolean putFloat (ContentResolver cr, String name, float value)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for updating a single settings value as a floating point number. This will either create a new entry in the table if the given name does not exist, or modify the value of the existing row with that name. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings, so this function converts the given value to a string before storing it.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to modify.
value The new value for the setting.
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors

public static boolean putInt (ContentResolver cr, String name, int value)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for updating a single settings value as an integer. This will either create a new entry in the table if the given name does not exist, or modify the value of the existing row with that name. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings, so this function converts the given value to a string before storing it.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to modify.
value The new value for the setting.
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors

public static boolean putLong (ContentResolver cr, String name, long value)

Added in API level 2

Convenience function for updating a single settings value as a long integer. This will either create a new entry in the table if the given name does not exist, or modify the value of the existing row with that name. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings, so this function converts the given value to a string before storing it.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to modify.
value The new value for the setting.
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors

public static boolean putString (ContentResolver resolver, String name, String value)

Added in API level 2

Store a name/value pair into the database.

resolver to access the database with
name to store
value to associate with the name
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors