Class Index

These are the CyanogenMod Platform API classes. See all API packages.

A   B   C   D   H   I   K   L   M   P   R   S   T   W  


AirplaneModeSettings The AirplaneModeSettings class allows for overriding and setting the airplane mode. 
AirplaneModeSettings.BooleanState BooleanStates for specific AirplaneModeSettings  


BrightnessSettings The BrightnessSettings class allows for overriding and setting the brightness level of the display. 
Build Information about the current CyanogenMod build, extracted from system properties. 
Build.CM_VERSION Various version strings. 
Build.CM_VERSION_CODES Enumeration of the currently known SDK version codes. 



The contract between the clock provider and desk clock. 

ClockContract.AlarmsColumns Constants for the Alarms table, which contains the user created alarms. 
ClockContract.AlarmSettingColumns Constants for tables with AlarmSettings. 
ClockContract.CitiesColumns Constants for the Cities table, which contains all selectable cities. 
ClockContract.InstancesColumns Constants for the Instance table, which contains the state of each alarm. 
CMHardwareManager Manages access to CyanogenMod hardware extensions

This manager requires the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. 

CMSettings CMSettings contains CM specific preferences in System, Secure, and Global. 
CMSettings.Global Global settings, containing miscellaneous CM global preferences. 
CMSettings.Secure Secure settings, containing miscellaneous CM secure preferences. 
CMSettings.System System settings, containing miscellaneous CM system preferences. 
CMStatusBarManager The CMStatusBarManager allows you to publish and remove CustomTiles within the Quick Settings Panel. 
CMTelephonyManager The CMTelephonyManager allows you to view and manage the phone state and the data connection, with multiple SIMs support. 
CMWeatherManager Provides access to the weather services in the device. 
CMWeatherManager.LookupCityRequestListener Interface used to receive notifications upon completion of a request to lookup a city name  
CMWeatherManager.RequestStatus The different request statuses  
CMWeatherManager.WeatherServiceProviderChangeListener Interface used to be notified when the user changes the weather service provider  
CMWeatherManager.WeatherUpdateRequestListener Interface used to receive notifications upon completion of a weather update request  
ColorUtils Helper class for colorspace conversions, and color-related algorithms which may be generally useful. 
Concierge Simply, Concierge handles your parcels and makes sure they get marshalled and unmarshalled correctly when cross IPC boundaries even when there is a version mismatch between the client sdk level and the framework implementation. 
Concierge.ParcelInfo Parcel header info specific to the Parcel object that is passed in via prepareParcel(Parcel) or receiveParcel(Parcel)
ConnectionSettings The ConnectionSettings class allows for creating Network/Hardware overrides depending on their capabilities. 
ConnectionSettings.BooleanState BooleanStates for specific ConnectionSettings  
CustomTile A class that represents a quick settings tile

The CustomTile.Builder has been added to make it easier to construct CustomTiles. 

CustomTile.Builder Builder class for CustomTile objects. 
CustomTile.ExpandedGridItem An instance of CustomTile.ExpandedItem to be utilized within a CustomTile.GridExpandedStyle  
CustomTile.ExpandedItem A container object that is utilized by CustomTile.ExpandedStyle to show specific items in either a PseudoGridView or a ListView via CustomTile.GridExpandedStyle and CustomTile.ListExpandedStyle  
CustomTile.ExpandedListItem An instance of CustomTile.ExpandedItem to be utilized within a CustomTile.ListExpandedStyle  
CustomTile.ExpandedStyle An object that can apply an expanded view style to a CustomTile.Builder object. 
CustomTile.GridExpandedStyle An instance of CustomTile.ExpandedStyle that shows the CustomTile.ExpandedGridItems in a non-scrollable grid. 
CustomTile.ListExpandedStyle An instance of CustomTile.ExpandedStyle that shows the CustomTile.ExpandedListItem's in a scrollable ListView. 
CustomTile.RemoteExpandedStyle An instance of CustomTile.ExpandedStyle that shows a remote view in the remote process  
CustomTileListenerService A service that receives calls from the system when new custom tiles are posted or removed. 
CyanogenModAlarmClock The CyanogenModAlarmClock class contains utilities for interacting with a variety of Alarm features that the CyanogenMod AlarmClock application (based on AOSP DeskClock) supports. 



The DataUsageProvdier contract containing definitions for the supported URIs and columns

DisplayMode Display Modes API A device may implement a list of preset display modes for different viewing intents, such as movies, photos, or extra vibrance. 




Intent CyanogenMod specific intent definition class. 
IThermalListenerCallback.Stub Local-side IPC implementation stub class. 


KeyguardExternalViewProviderService A class for providing a view that can be displayed within the lock screen. 
KeyguardExternalViewProviderService.Provider This class provides an interface for the host and service to communicate to each other. 


LiveDisplayConfig Holder class for LiveDisplay static configuration. 
LiveDisplayManager LiveDisplay is an advanced set of features for improving display quality under various ambient conditions. 
LiveLockScreenInfo Data structure defining a Live lock screen. 
LiveLockScreenInfo.Builder Builder class for LiveLockScreenInfo objects. 
LiveLockScreenManager Manages enabling/disabling Live lock screens as well as what Live lock screen to display when enabled. 
LockSettings The LockSettings class allows for overriding and setting the current Lock screen state/security level. 





The PartnerInterface allows applications to interact with a subset of system settings. 

Profile A class that represents a device profile. 
Profile.DozeMode Doze modes available on a device  
Profile.ExpandedDesktopMode Expanded desktop modes available on a device  
Profile.LockMode Lock modes of a device  
Profile.NotificationLightMode Notification light modes available on a device  
Profile.ProfileTrigger A Profile.ProfileTrigger is a Profile.TriggerType which can be queried from the OS  
Profile.TriggerState Various trigger states associated with a Profile.TriggerType  
Profile.TriggerType Available trigger types on the device, usually hardware  
Profile.Type A Profile type  

The ProfileManager allows you to create Profiles and ProfileGroups to create specific behavior states depending on triggers from hardware devices changing states, such as:

     WiFi being enabled
     WiFi connecting to a certain AP
     Bluetooth connecting to a certain device
     Bluetooth disconnecting to a certain device
     NFC tag being scanned

Depending on these triggers, you can override connection settings, lockscreen modes, media stream volumes and various other settings. 


RequestInfo This class holds the information of a request submitted to the active weather provider service  
RingModeSettings The StreamSettings class allows for creating various AudioManager overrides on the device depending on their capabilities. 


ServiceRequest This class represents a request submitted by the system to the active weather provider service  
ServiceRequestResult Use this class to build a request result. 
ServiceRequestResult.Builder Builder class for ServiceRequestResult  
StatusBarPanelCustomTile Class encapsulating a Custom Tile. 
StreamSettings The StreamSettings class allows for creating various AudioManager overrides on the device depending on their capabilities. 


ThemeManager Manages changing and applying of themes. 

The contract between the themes provider and applications. 

ThemesContract.MixnMatchColumns Key-value table which assigns a component (ex wallpaper) to a theme's package  
ThemesContract.PreviewColumns Table containing cached preview files for a given theme  
ThermalListenerCallback Callback class to register for thermal state changes  


WeatherContract The contract between the weather provider and applications. 
WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.TempUnit Temperature units  
WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode Weather condition codes  
WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WindSpeedUnit Wind speed units  
WeatherInfo This class represents the weather information that a WeatherProviderService will use to update the weather content provider. 
WeatherInfo.Builder Builder class for WeatherInfo  
WeatherInfo.DayForecast This class represents the weather forecast for a given day. 
WeatherInfo.DayForecast.Builder Builder class for WeatherInfo.DayForecast  
WeatherLocation A class representing a geographical location that a weather service provider can use to get weather data from. 
WeatherLocation.Builder Builder class for WeatherLocation  
WeatherProviderService This is the base class for implementing a weather provider service. 
WeatherUtils Helper class to perform operations and formatting of weather data